Thursday, November 20, 2014

Too Much Homework

Too much homework
Blake Longhenry
Throughout high school there is one thing that almost every student dreads the most… that is homework. Does it help you learn extra material or does it just waste your time?
Many students follow the same routine of waking up early, dragging on through the school day and coming home to a massive amount of homework. A lot of students want to come home and take a nap because waking up at around six thirty for five days a week wears you out. Flynn Bray a student at Rosemount High School says he gets an average of six to seven hours of sleep a night. “I am exhausted when I come home.” Says Flynn, “All I can think about is coming home and taking a nap, but I can’t because of homework.” One out of three students get the required eight hours of sleep. There could be many reasons why the student doesn’t get the eight hours of sleep. It could be the amount of homework, they could be staying up watching their favorite T.V. show or he or she is in an after school activity.
One big part of high school is you’re after school activity. Rosemount has recently been very successful in athletics. Could all this success be granted to the fact that our sporting teams get only a couple days off of practice a year? “Instead of having practice three or four times a week we have it every day.” Said Chad Hinkle a hockey player for the Rosemount Irish. In most sports you are getting done with practice around five o’clock which means you don’t have much time to finish your homework, do other activities and spend time with your family to get the required eight hours of sleep.
To support their families and have extra spending money most students have after school jobs. “I feel my job is more important than homework because that is what real life is like.” Said Jake Rust a worker at Paradise Car Wash. “Most jobs you are not going to have homework when you get home so why should we have homework after an eight hour long school?” When asked the question do you think your job affects your school he responded with “yes, I don’t have time sometimes to finish all of my homework and on some nights I am just too tired to do it.” “If I do end up staying up late and doing my homework it affects me on the next day of school.” “I keep getting more and more tired every day of the week, it is like a never ending cycle.”
I found that most students I interviewed said that an after school event or activity affects their school work. Most students found homework a waste of time after learning the same material for an hour at school. Many students asked the question “why do we need homework if we spent an hour learning about it in school?” Many teachers see it as getting extra help on the material they are learning. Many students see it as a hassle and a thing that takes time out of your time off of school. Chris Omana a student at Rosemount High School and also an employee at Target has a good reason to not like homework. “I get home from school and go to work. After work I come home and I just want to relax for a while but most of the time I can’t because I was assigned some type of homework.”
The students of Rosemount High School show a strong dislike towards homework. Most of them saw it as a waste of time and something that gets in their way on their time off from school.

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