Sunday, November 23, 2014

gun control (Editorial)

Gun Control
In many ways guns can be seen a bad thing and those people who believe this are not neseccairly wrong but other view guns as the offer a lot of protection and safety It protects our country not even Hitler invaded countries that allowed their citizens to privately own guns”. I think that this is a strong statement on why we should be able to own a gun.
Those with a criminal background should not be allowed to own a gun. Once you have been convicted for a crime the privilege of owning or shooting a firearm should be taken away from you. The gun control act of 1968 imposed a broad regulation on the interstate commerce and ownership of firearms stating that …………. The crime control act of 1990 congress addressed problems associated with violent crimes with the enactment of the violent crime control and law enforcement.
Many people believe that only certain types of guns should be allowed to the public a lot of mass murders that are committed like the movie theater shooting all trace back to some type of automatic weapon of some kind. The movie theater shooting in Colorado there were 4 guns used one of the being an AR-15 a semi and fully automatic gun or the Columbine shooting in 1990 killer Dylan used a tec-9 submachine gun. Along with buying an automatic weapon there is a five day waiting period this gives the FBI time to do a background check on you.

People who suffer with a mental illness should not be able to possess a firearm or have any kind of access to a firearm. Adam Lanza had been diagnosed with sensory integration disorder (SID) reports who interviewed his mom say that he could not feel pain and that he did not feel bad for the horrific actions he committed. In other cases shooter Jared Loughner who is the convicted felon of shooting Gabby Gifford’s and many others suffered with schizophrenia had been forced to take a anti-physchotic drug.

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